How Do I Add My Business to Google Maps?


How Do I Add My Business to Google Maps?

The Google Maps function, formerly known as Google Places, is now part of the Google My Business dashboard – Google’s dashboard for managing and tracking your online presence across Google’s various platforms including Google Local (Google Maps), Google+, Google Analytics and Adwords.

As you’re preparing to set up your listing, just a reminder – although Google will, in some situations, display businesses from surrounding communities in the “Local” search results (Maps), you are only allowed to register your business in the town or city in which you have a physical address.

Adding or Claiming Your Business on Google My Business

If you’re an established business, chances are your business already exists in the Google My Business directory and you’ll just need to claim it. New businesses or new locations will probably have to be added.

1. Go to Google My Business.

  • Click “Get on Google”

2. Enter Your Business Name and Address in the Search Box.

3      Select or Add Your Business.

Click on your business listing if it appears among the suggested matches. If not select “Add your Business”, and provide the necessary information.

TIP: Determine how you want your business Name-Address-Phone Number (NAP) to appear across the web and use that NAP here (i.e. Will you spell out S-t-r-e-e-t, or use St.?) The address that you use here should become your default address across the web. Consistency is important.

As you answer questions, remember that the more specific and accurate the information Google has about your business, the better it will be able to correctly classify and display your business listing.

Category Selection

Near the bottom of the form, you will be asked to choose a Category that describes your business.

The category selection is very important as it is essentially the way Google will classify your business, and the type of search query it will display your listing for.

Google has preset Categories, or keywords, for each industry. Start typing your keyword in to see if Google produces a match, then select the best one. You will get a chance to add more categories later on (up to 5).

4. Verify Your Business

Google will want to verify that your business is located where you say that it is. This usually means waiting 1-2 weeks for a postcard with a verification PIN.

Occasionally you’ll be given the option to receive your PIN by text message or or automated phone call – take it – it’s much faster and easier! :-)

TIP: If you do have to wait on a postcard, remind anyone that handles the mail to be on the lookout for it, then try to verify it as soon as you get it (you have 30 days). You’d be surprised how often businesses have to go through the verification process 2 or 3 times because someone threw the postcard away or forgot to use it once they received it.

5. Confirm your Business. Set up a Google+ Page.

Setting up your Google My Business page is the first step in Local Search Optimization, and should be a high priority for all businesses hoping to be found online.


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Top 10 Benefits of Email Marketing for your business


Top 10 Benefits of Email Marketing

  • Email marketing provides a reliable form of communication between your brand and your customers. It’s a cost-effective solution to reach customers where they visit every day — their inbox.
  • Find out the other benefits that make email marketing a smart solution for communicating with your audience, finding new customers, and growing your business.

Why email marketing works

Unlike some other marketing channels, email marketing allows you to keep in touch with your customers on a consistent basis. Be it a simple, “Thank you for subscribing,” a cheery, “Welcome on board,” or a sincere “Happy Birthday,” email is the easiest and most effective way to let your customers know you value them. Customers love it when a business treats them as an individual, not just like everyone else.

That value should show in the emails you send, and the more value you provide to your target audience, the more they’ll look forward to hearing from you. When that happens, it’s easier to get them to engage with your call to action. 

There’s plenty of data to back up the benefits of email marketing:

  • 91 percent of US adults like to receive promotional emails from companies they do business with.
  • Email is almost 40 times more effective than Facebook, and Twitter combined in helping your business acquire new customers. 


Take your marketing to the next level with email

Email continues to be one the best ways to reach out to your customers and potential leads alike. There are several benefits to planning out the perfect email marketing strategy for your business:

1. Targeted and personalized content

  • Email marketing allows you to segment your customers into different lists based on their preferences to send highly personalized content. From crafting the perfect subject line to images that resonate with your customer, and valuable content that helps your audience, email is the perfect channel to drive engagement.
  • Adjust your messaging for different audiences so your emails are always engaging. Ignore the impulse to push for a hard sell too early in the process. Cultivate a strong foundation of trust between your brand and the recipient first, and create a bond with your customer than can grow over time.

2. Build credibility

  • Emails from an unknown sender or with a shady subject line can feel like spam. It just feels off, and customers often just delete these emails.
  • For some customers, an emoji will make them click and be happy. For others, the same subject line might make them go hunting for the unsubscribe link. You need to tailor your content according to what your readers want. Knowing your readers’ interests and needs gets your email into the inbox, instead of the spam folder.
  • Creating a permission-based email list that includes a checkbox for users to opt-in to your mailing list ensures that a customer knows which emails they’re signing up for, and how often they’ll be receiving emails from you.

3. Better brand recognition

  • Some of the most recognizable brands in the world today are so well-known that they are synonymous with the industry in which they operate. Spotify is a great example. All of their emails are relevant and brilliantly curated.
  • Now imagine your small business standing out as a clearly identifiable brand like Spotify.

  • Email marketing is a great way to develop your brand identity because it gives you a direct line to the email inboxes of your customers or potential customers. Once you begin creating valuable content for the customer, you’ll have an edge over your competitors.
  • You can even use your emails to get useful feedback. Are customers happy with the content you’re providing? Would they like to learn something different?
  • Use a survey or start a discussion on social media. Once you get them involved in the process, you’ll know exactly how to provide valuable content in your emails.

4. Boost sales

  • Marketing Week reports that email generates around $37B retail sales annually.
  • Email marketing provides a great opportunity for impulse buying. You can entice a customer to make another purchase in a few ways:

  1. Feature items that are often purchased alongside the products the customer bought.
  2. List similar items to the customer’s past purchases.
  3. Create a special offer or discount for future purchases.

Customers often act on impulse when they get an email letting them know about a relevant product which is related to their previous purchase. This is especially true if there is a relevant promotion.

5. Stronger customer relationships

  • Your customers appreciate a good email. The time and effort it takes to draft the perfect email doesn’t go unnoticed. They want to know what’s happening with your business, and how they can get involved.
  • It’s nearly impossible to reach out to all your customers in person or by phone. Email marketing campaigns bridge that gap. You could even set up a drip marketing campaign to help you smooth out the process.
  • Drip campaigns are ongoing and drive the user down the buyer’s journey to a final conversion point. They’re often used to provide constant value to subscribers while helping keep your brand top-of-mind. Often times, these emails slowly “drip” helpful information, products, or tips, over days, weeks, or months.
  • For example, the emails you receive when you browse Amazon, but don’t buy anything, are a drip email marketing automation at work.

6. Optimize your time and budget

  • With any business, but especially within a small business, there are always time and budget constraints. While big businesses can afford to go all out and buy advertising space during the Super Bowl, small businesses don’t have that luxury.
  • Even targeted direct mail campaigns that deliver flyers to nearby mailboxes can be costly. Between designing, printing, and mailing costs, you could spend several dollars per flyer delivery.
  • All this time spent not focusing on your business is lost revenue, and a lost opportunity to connect with your customers on a personal level. One of the most significant advantages of email marketing for small businesses is the efficient use of time and budget. Designing a professional email marketing campaign is not complicated, or time-consuming. Sending emails to many subscribers is also still cost-effective.

7. Metrics to learn what works

  • There is a quick window of opportunity when it comes to customers opening your emails. They see your email in their inbox, and depending on how well the “From name” and subject line resonate, they decide whether to open the email or ignore it. A good open rate means that your customers know your brand well enough to want to hear from you, no matter the time of the day.
  • Next up is your click-through-rate (CTR) which generally gives you a good idea of how many customers took the time to go through your email content to click on the links within. The average click-through rate across all industries is around 7%.
  • After a customer has clicked through your email, ideally the next goal is to get them to convert – in other words, to follow through on the action your email has asked them to take. Your email conversion rates are an important metric to track, for they tell you how well the call-to-action in your email has performed.

8. Increased traffic to your website

  • Emails are a great way to get customers to visit your website. You can include relevant links to your site within your email content. You can also use your email campaigns to get customers to engage with other great pieces of content available on your website or blog.
  • For example, a local design school could send out emails to let them know about their new design class that has a limited number of seats. Many of their customers and potential leads may have missed out on this opportunity to attend the class, had they not revisited the website in time. The design school then can fill all the seats more quickly, instead of waiting for reservations to trickle in.
  • Include social sharing buttons in your emails to encourage your customers to promote your content across their own social channels.

9. Establish authority

  • When you run your own business, your goal is to be seen as an expert in your industry. Establish that to position yourself and your business as the authority in the eyes of your customers.
  • Your customers have signed up for your marketing newsletters because they want to hear from you. They like the content you send and keeping them engaged is one of the biggest wins for any email marketer. Your content is one of your most valuable marketing tools and you can use it to build other areas of your marketing strategy. If people love what you do, then they will sign up to see more great content.

10. Build excitement

  • Everyone likes to belong to a special group, especially email consumers who like exclusive perks.
  • Your customers aren’t all the same, and the one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. Use your email campaigns to drive home the message that your customers are unique and important to your business.
  • Whether you’re giving a section of customers a sneak peek into an upcoming product launch, or simply rewarding them for being loyal customers, they all love a sweet deal. Volkswagen offers email subscribers free movie tickets several times a year. Starbucks gives their gold members free drinks around the holidays.
  • As a small business, you might not be able to go around giving free stuff to your customers, but a little something extra can go a long way. Rewarding your customers is a nice gesture, and from your side, it’s a great way to accelerate your marketing goals. Everybody wins.

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15 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Benefits for your Business

15 SEO Benefits for your Business

As a core Digital marketing strategy, there are plenty of reasons to invest in SEO — and even an SEO agency— to boost brand awareness, reach more customers, and earn more revenue online.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the 15 biggest SEO benefits, from boosting your credibility to maximizing your advertising strategy. Keep reading to discover the full list of benefits that come with an SEO strategy!

1. SEO improves your digital marketing ROI

  • When you invest in digital marketing strategies, you want to earn the highest return on investment (ROI) possible. With a smart and competitive SEO strategy, you can expect an impressive ROI.


  • When it comes to search engines, they offer a close rate of almost 15 percent for new leads. That doesn’t seem like a lot, but when you compare it to traditional marketing — which is less than two percent — it’s massive. That means you can increase your lead conversion rate by almost 13 percent.
  • To put that in perspective, imagine that your average lead is worth about $800 and that you sign about 20 new leads a month. With digital marketing, plus SEO, you’ll now sign 23 new leads a month — that translates to an additional $2,400 a month, which means $28,000 in additional revenue a year.

For many businesses, that revenue increase is one of the biggest benefits of SEO.

  • That additional revenue from search, however, depends on SEO. If your website ranks at the bottom of search results on page two, three, or four, users won’t find your business. They’ll stick to the first page of results, which means you won’t generate leads from Google or any other search engine.

2. SEO boosts your credibility

  • A key benefit of SEO that many companies overlook is how it improves your credibility among consumers. Ranking on the first page of search results signals to users that Google — or another search engine, like Bing — trusts your website.
  • That’s one reason why 75 percent of users stick to the first page of search results. They trust search engines to filter results for them, eliminating spammy websites. Google, as well as other search engines, understand this, which is why they use on-page and off-page signals to rank websites.
  • These signals, which can range from the content you create to your website’s speed, demonstrate that your website is safe and credible. They also emphasize that your webpage answers a user’s query, such as, “how to clean an inside AC unit.”

Another way SEO can boost your credibility?

  • By optimizing your Google My Business listing. This listing, which appears in local searches and specific searches for your business, provides users with details about your company. It can also feature reviews from Google users.

These reviews are critical to building credibility, as well as driving sales.

  • Shoppers place a lot of trust in reviews, which is why 80 percent of consumers say that online reviews have changed their mind about purchasing a product. That’s immense, and with SEO you can maximize the impact of your company’s reviews.

3. SEO drives high-quality traffic to your website

  • SEO also helps you earn more high-quality traffic to your website. Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing offers hyper-targeted tools. Instead of paying for a billboard and hoping that your target audience sees it, you know they’ll see your website in search results.
  • Plus, you’re reaching your target audience at a prime time. They’re looking for you — not driving to work or watching the TV — which means you have their full attention. It also means they’re more likely to act on your calls-to-action (CTAs), whether it’s an invite to call your team or like your Facebook page.
  • That difference in user intent is one reason why 89 percent of marketers say SEO is a successful strategy.

4. SEO measures your success with real numbers

  • It’s critical to understand the impact of your investment, whether it’s in advertising or marketing. That’s why it’s a massive perk of not only digital marketing but also SEO that you can monitor the success of your strategies.
  • The best part is that you can access your digital marketing analytics in real-time.
  • With Google Analytics, as well as other web analytics tools, it’s easy to assess the performance of your SEO strategies. A few metrics to monitor include your website traffic, bounce rate, conversions, and time on site.
  • Marketing software, like Marketing Cloud FX, can make monitoring your SEO strategy easier. It can also measure your digital marketing ROI, as well as provide actionable insights into your campaign — both of which enhance your approach to SEO.

5. SEO promotes your company all day, every day

Depending on your business, you may offer 24/7 service. If consumers can’t find your ecommerce website online, however, that doesn’t help. That’s where another key benefit of SEO comes into use — it can promote your business 24/7.

That’s critical, especially when you consider that Google processes more than 60,000 searches a second.

It also reinforces digital marketing’s ability to connect with users on their terms. You’re not trying to reach consumers with a billboard that they spot when leaving town for the weekend — you’re reaching them when they’re looking for you.

That enhances the value of your website to users, as you’re providing an answer to their problem. From that perspective, the benefit of SEO is that you’re promoting your company to consumers, but in a non-promotional way.

6. SEO targets every stage of your buying funnel

  • The rise of content marketing makes SEO even more valuable to businesses. With content marketing, which includes a range of content types, from infographics to guides to blog posts, you connect with consumers in every stage of your marketing funnel.
  • While users reading top of the funnel (TOFU) or middle of the funnel (MOFU) content, such as a blog post about the costs of an AC unit, won’t convert right away, they will eventually. That’s why content marketing — which depends on SEO — earns 54 percent more leads than traditional marketing.
  • The best part is that consumers love this approach. More than 60 percent of consumers prefer companies that create original content for them, which can also help build their brand awareness and loyalty for your business.
  • This benefit of search engine optimization is a win-win for consumers, as well as companies.

7. SEO increases brand awareness among high-value shoppers

  • A better level of brand awareness among your most valuable shoppers. As consumers move through the buying funnel, they conduct a lot of different searches. If your company continues to appear in their search results, it increases their brand awareness for your business.
  • Even better, it builds their trust in your company.
  • With your content marketing and SEO strategy, you’re demonstrating to consumers that you’re more than a product or service provider. You’re also a valuable resource for industry information, which increases your value to audiences.
  • If you invest in video marketing, you can also supercharge your brand awareness efforts. Why? When users watch a video, their brand association increases by almost 140 percent — to make sure users see your videos, however, you need to optimize them for search.

8. SEO generates more leads, sales, and market share for your business

  • One of the most mentioned benefits of SEO is the increased sales, leads, and market share that companies see. This perk is also something you notice in your day-to-day operations. You see the shoppers coming into your store or the product orders shipping out of your warehouse.
  • These increases happen because of your rank in search results. By appearing on the first page of search results for high-value keywords used by your target audience, you’re earning clicks and visits from the consumers that matter most to you.
  • To put the value of ranking on the first page into perspective, consider that the first listing in search results earns 33 percent of all search traffic. If you target the keyword, “central air conditioner installation,” which has a search volume of 1300 a month, you’d earn more than 400 visits a month..

9. SEO maximizes the success of your PPC campaigns

  • If you’re incorporating digital marketing into your business strategy, it’s likely that you’ll invest in PPC advertising at some point. While PPC is a paid strategy and SEO is a non-paid strategy, they work well together — which is why you should think about partnering the two.

How does SEO help your PPC campaigns, though?

  • One, with SEO and PPC, you’re reinforcing your presence in search engines. Not only does your website appear at the top of paid search results but also organic ones too. That provides users with two opportunities to visit your website, plus emphasizes your brand.
  • Another advantage of SEO is that you can apply your SEO data to your PPC campaigns. A webpage that leads in conversions, for example, may rise in value if you incorporate it into your PPC campaign. Even better, that landing page may target a keyword with a low cost-per-click (CPC).

10. SEO helps you outrank your toughest competitors

With 80 percent of users relying on the Internet for researching a product purchase, expect your competitors to invest in SEO, as well as other digital marketing strategies. That’s why, if you skip on SEO, you can expect your sales and overall market share to decrease.

When users search for queries related to your services or industry, your website won’t appear — and if it does, it likely ranks on the second, third, or fourth page. Only 25 percent of users go past the first page of search results, however, which cuts into your potential profits and leads.

That’s why, if you want to compete against your competitors, SEO is essential. Invest in SEO, as well as develop a smart strategy, and you can outrank your toughest competitors. Even if businesses in your industry aren’t using SEO, it’s a massive advantage to your company if you’re the first.

11. SEO makes your digital marketing strategy stronger

  • If you’re investing in digital marketing, SEO is probably a part of your strategy. It strengthens your overall campaign in multiple ways, however. Plus, it enhances additional digital marketing focuses, like content marketing, video marketing, and social media marketing.
  • By building a comprehensive, as well as a durable digital marketing strategy, you’re increasing your competitiveness in the online marketplace. That can serve as a significant advantage when competing in a tough market or against competitors with more resources than your company.
  • Plus, a stronger digital marketing strategy means a bigger ROI.
  • With a better return on your digital marketing efforts, you can reinvest in your company’s success. Whether you decide to improve your SEO strategy, expand your in-house team, or increase your company resources, you can use those funds to make your business even better for consumers.

12. SEO reaches every member of your target audience

  • A key benefit of SEO is that it not only reaches audiences in every stage of the buying funnel but also connects with every type of target audience. Depending on your company, you may have a few different target audiences.
  • If you’re a lawncare company, for instance, you may offer commercial and residential services. Those services encompass two separate audiences — homeowners and business owners. While these audiences both want lawncare services, their journey through the buying funnel is likely different.
  • For example, a business owner probably has a different set of questions than a homeowner when it comes to lawncare and lawncare services. A business owner may even want a set of services not available to homeowners, like maintaining a sizeable pond.
  • With SEO, you can reach each of these audiences by targeting keywords specific to their intents. A quick example is creating a service page that targets the keyword, “commercial landscaping services,” and another service page for the keyword, “residential landscaping services.”

13. SEO decreases your advertising costs

  • SEO also benefits your business by lowering your advertising costs — and even your marketing expenses. With a well-planned SEO strategy, your company can rank on the first page of search results for high-value keywords.
  • That offers your business the option to decrease your advertising spend, as well as reinvest it elsewhere. For example, instead of running five PPC campaigns, you may opt to run two and then use your savings to expand your content marketing strategy.
  • SEO can decrease not only your digital advertising spend but also your traditional advertising costs. Many businesses discover, often within the first year of investing in SEO, that it's more cost-effective than traditional advertising and marketing.

Plus, it delivers even better results.

14. SEO grows your local marketing efforts

  • Even if you’re a local business that depends on offline transactions, SEO benefits your company. As more consumers become smartphone owners, local search rises in popularity. The value of local search is immense too, as 80 percent of local searches convert, which means more business for your store.
  • If you’re not investing in local SEO, you’re excluding yourself from shoppers that are ready to buy. For your competitors, that makes it easy for them to gain market share, as well as build their popularity in the area.
  • Don’t make it that easy for them. Instead, give your business a competitive edge with local SEO.

15. SEO drives your long-term success

  • Unlike a lot of traditional marketing efforts, SEO is an ongoing strategy. That means your company continues to see the benefits of SEO, years after you invested in it — to see those results, however, it’s critical to view SEO as a long-term investment.
  • That means that it’s something your business invests in each year. To maintain your rankings, as well as evolve with search algorithm updates and user search habits, you continue to include SEO in your marketing budget.
  • By making a long-term commitment to SEO, as well as digital marketing, you’re maximizing your ROI. Even better, you’re building on the benefits of SEO. That can mean even better brand awareness, audience targeting, lead generation, and more.
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15 Reasons Your Website Is Important For Your Business

Website Is Super Important For Your Business!

Having a website is important for small business for many different reasons.  From building credibility with customers to capturing leads and web visitors, your website should be an accurate representation of your company.  And even more than just that, it should be a powerful money making machine that brings you leads and new customers.

  • However, most websites are lost online and do nothing for business owners.  Why is this so, you might wonder?  Many business owners ask the same questions. Can my website make money and how can I be found on Google are common things that are asked very frequently.

Hire A Designer Who Can Set Your Site Up For Success!

  •  The majority of web designers don’t know how to create a dynamic and influential site that can make money for their clients’ small businesses.  The biggest tragedy of all is that small business owners are in the dark when it comes to digital marketing themselves.
  •  They don’t really know what type of designer to hire and they hire a designer for the way the finished product looks (instead of the way it performs).  However, the performance of a website is what will determine your business’s success!  That’s why it’s important to hire a skilled design agency or Freelancer who are also marketing experts.


  • Although the structure and look of your website should be professional and in alignment with your branding, it is not the most thing your website should offer.  More than just style, your website should communicate your company values and motivate visitors to use your company or services.

Below we will get right down to it and discuss the real reasons your website is important for your small business.

15 Reasons Your Website Is Important For Your Small Business


  • Having a website is important for your small business because your website can answer questions.  Most of the time, customers would rather look online that call a business to find out basic information.  Not having a website would mean missing all of the potential customers who do not want to reach out and ask you about your services.
  • Additionally, your website can communicate basic and fundamental things about your business that the public would like to have on hand.  A website’s ability to answer consumers questions in just one of the many reasons your website is important to your business.  Without it, customers would be lost.


  • A website can easily communicate your brand’s values to people who stumble upon it.  This includes style elements, target market, and other important things that can help visitors decide whether or not to choose your business.
  •  Additionally, business branding signals to visitors that you are established and successful. This simple communication of your stature is enough to help you get new clients.


  •  A website should ideally capture leads of web visitors.  This is why having a website is so important for your small business.
  •  Distinct and strategic calls to action should be placed on your site’s landing pages.  Structuring your site properly and placing CTA’s in the right places is the difference between a website that makes money and one that does not.



  •  Most people in today’s online era would not trust a business (no matter what kind of business it is) if it does not have a website.  No matter what your business is, and no matter what your revenue, your website is incredibly important and there just simply is no excuse to not have one.
  •  Without a website you not only don’t have the opportunity to get in front of potential consumers.  Additionally, most people would not think your business is legitimate or successful unless you have a website.



  •  Your website should increase the online exposure of your business which is crucial to continue to see growth. For example, if a customer does a search on Google, ideally you would want this potential customer to stumble across your business.
  •  What most web designers don’t tell you is that no one will ever see your business unless your website is SEO optimized.  Hiring a company that is expert in business SEO services AND corporate web design is vital. 
  •  Having a website built by a design agency that knows SEO is incredibly important.  However, most businesses hire designers that only design their website.  And the result is that no one ever sees it.



  •  Besides simply landing on a specific page, your website should funnel visitors to different channels.  This will ultimately increase your website’s relevance and value.
  •  A skilled web design agency will understand this funneling process .  With the help of experts your website will send web visitors to different places to either make a purchase or improve your authority (or both!).



  •  Your website should be an easy way for customers to make a purchase.  As you may already know, the buying process begins online most of the time.  What this means is that you have a very good opportunity, with a properly designed and optimized website, to make sales with your website.
  •  In today’s world, people are very busy and a little lazy too.  We’re wrapped up in our jobs and want the instant gratification to click “buy now” from the convenience of our couch rather than go to a brick and mortar store.
  •  It’s important to have a website that is set up to at least assist in the purchasing process.  And hiring a developer to build a custom website is an easy way to do just that!



  •  Your website is quite simply, proof of your existence as a business.  Without the powerful combination of a website and local SEO, your business would not show up online (or on Google maps!).
  •  You can read more about how to get a business on Google maps, or you can just take our word for it and hire a company that can do that for you!  We know you won’t be disappointed!



  •  Your website is a 24 hour billboard for your business.  Now, I’m assuming your business is not open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  How can you advertise your business when you’re not open or available to take a call?  Your website, of course!



  •  Your website should clearly describe the services your business has to offer.  If you can do this well on your website, you will get more relevant phone calls and leads.
  •  It’s important your brand identity and services are communicated online for many reasons.  And this is another important reason your small business needs a website.



  •  Your website will give you instant brand credibility, which will lead to more sales and customers.  This is a very important reason you need a website.



  •  Your website should show people your name, address and phone number.  Most people wouldn’t know how to get in touch with you or where to find you without the convenience of a page or two online.
  •  Having a consistent NAP on your website and other channels is also great for SEO and will boost your listing in local results . Now what’s not to love about that?

13. Cheap Market Research

  • You can feature visitor polls and online surveys to take the pulse of your customers.

14. Build Your Reputation

  • Become or remain the expert by demonstrating knowledge and expertise in your area of work. Write blog posts and articles on the site that educate visitors and help them understand your business and offerings.

15. Improve Customer Service

  • Information requests can be processed immediately via online forms and autoresponders automatically day or night.

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What is Digital Marketing and What are the Strategies for Digital Marketing ?


What is Digital Marketing and What are the Strategies for Digital Marketing ?

Digital marketing refers to any online marketing efforts or assets. Email marketing, pay-per-click social media marketing and even blogging are all great examples of digital marketing—they help introduce people to your company and convince them to buy.

  • Here are some of the most common digital marketing assets and strategies businesses use to reach people online:

Digital Marketing Assets

Almost anything can be a digital marketing asset. It simply needs to be a marketing tool you use online. That being said, many people don’t realize how many digital marketing assets they have at their disposal. Here are just a few examples:

·         Your website

·         Branded assets (logos, icons, acronyms)

·         Video content (video ads, product demo)

·         Images (infographics, product shots, company photos)

·         Written content (blog posts, eBooks, product descriptions, testimonials)

·         Online products or tools (SaaS, calculators, interactive content)

·         Reviews

·         Social media pages

As you can probably imagine, this list just scratches the surface. Most digital marketing assets will fall into one of these categories, but clever marketers are constantly coming up with new ways to reach customers online, so the list keeps growing!

Digital Marketing Strategies

The list of digital marketing strategies is also constantly evolving, but here are some of the strategies most businesses are using:

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising actually a broad term that covers any type of digital marketing where you pay for every user who clicks on an ad. For example, Google AdWords is a form of PPC advertising called “paid search advertising” (which we’ll go over in a second). Facebook Ads are another form of PPC advertising called “paid social media advertising” (again, we’ll get into that shortly).

Paid Search Advertising

Google, Bing and Yahoo all allow you to run text ads on their Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Paid search advertising is one of the best ways to target potential customers who are actively searching for a product or service like yours.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you don’t want to pay to show up in the SERPs, you can also use search engine optimization (SEO) to try and rank pages or blog posts on your site organically. You don’t have to pay directly for every click, but getting a page to rank usually takes quite a bit of time and effort (for a more in-depth comparison of paid search and SEO.

Paid Social Media Advertising

Most social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Snapchat will allow you to run ads on their site. Paid social media advertising is great for building awareness with audiences that might not be aware that your business, product or service exists.

Social Media Marketing

Like SEO, social media marketing is the free, organic way to use social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter to market your business. And, just like SEO, organically marketing your business on social media takes a lot more time and effort, but in the long run, it can deliver much cheaper results.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is another fairly broad digital marketing term. Content marketing covers any digital marketing effort that uses content assets (blog posts, infographics, eBooks, videos, etc) to build brand awareness or drive clicks, leads or sales.

Native Advertising

Ever get to the bottom of an article and see a list of suggested articles? That’s native advertising. Most native advertising falls under content marketing because it uses content to attract clicks (“you’ll never believe what happens next!”). Often, native advertising can be a bit hard to spot, since it is usually mixed in with non-paid content recommendations…but that’s kind of the point.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is the oldest form of online marketing and it’s still going strong. Most digital marketers use email marketing to advertise special deals, highlight content (often as part of content marketing) or promote an event.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is essentially paying someone else (a person or a business) to promote your products and services on their website.

As you can see from the list above, there are a lot of different ways to market your business online, which is why many businesses either hire an agency to manage their digital marketing efforts or pay for an in-house marketing team and marketing automation software to cover their marketing needs.

Best Affiliate marketing platform is the Amazon Turk !

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